Missionary Attitude, Evangelism and Conduct
(Part 1 of 3)
(Learning some very important lessons from two missionaries)
Respect and Adapt to THEIR Culture
To start this portion of the study, I wanted to give you a little information about two very successful missionaries, J Hudson Taylor (Founder of China Inland Mission) and the Apostle Paul.
Hudson Taylor’s preparation and attitude: (some excerpts taken from http://www.wholesomewords.org)
Hudson Taylor heard his call from the Lord to go to China at a young age. He decided to learn what he could about China and its culture and to prepare himself for the Chinese mission field. Who was Hudson Taylor? “J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) was an English missionary to China. Founded the China Inland Mission which at his death included 205 mission stations with over 800 missionaries, and 125,000 Chinese Christians.”
In these three years of preparation for the mission field:
- He eat simple foods that were mainly rice, oatmeal and brown bread.
- He moved to a very poor area of the city: “a very undesirable portion of the city of Hull. Two rows of poor little cottages faced each other, and between them was a ditch where rubbish was thrown. The neighborhood was called "Drainside." When the tide rose high enough the rubbish was carried away. Unattractive as this was, Hudson Taylor selected one of these cottages as his dwelling-place. A room less than twelve feet square was his, while his landlady, Mrs. Finch, with her children, occupied the upstairs room and the kitchen.”
- He worked hard and ministered to people: “At the close of his day's work he would take his lonely walk to his comfortless room, and on Sundays he visited the sick and helped the poor. It was not the kind of life one would be apt to choose, but God's blessing was upon him, and that is more than all the world has to offer.”
- He did what he could to learn skills that would be helpful on the mission field and the language in preparation for China.
- Faith, the most important lesson he knew he must learn: “There was one lesson that young Mr. Taylor knew he must learn, if he wanted to be a successful missionary in China, and that was the lesson of faith. He knew there would be many times in that far-away country when he would have no one to depend upon but God, and he must know how to get his prayers through and receive an answer. He wanted to know how to "move man, through God, by prayer alone."”
Once in China, Mr Taylor set out to the work he was called to do:
- He used his learned skills to help others, ministering to their bodies and then ministering to their souls. “As he ministered to the needs of their bodies, he told them of the cure for sin-sick souls. A school for boys and girls was started and Mr. Taylor was happy. There were difficulties too, but Taylor had fitted himself for hard things by the rugged life he had lived before leaving England.”
- He chose to adapt to their culture and dress. “For some time he considered the question of adopting Chinese dress, and finally decided to do so, believing he could accomplish more for the Lord in that way. He had his head shaved, leaving a little hair which would grow into a Chinese cue [hair tied at the back of the head in a braid], and with baggy trousers, white calico socks, satin shoes, and to complete the costume, a loose silk gown with wide sleeves, he attracted less attention, and won the hearts of the natives as he could not do when in English dress.”
You may ask yourself, “Where did Mr. Taylor come up with his plan of action: what he should do and the faith to do it?” I believe he read about the first missionary in the Word of God.
Paul’s Use of His Freedom: (The first missionary).
Paul chose to adapt to the cultures and customs of each people group he ministered to. 1 Cor. 9:19-23 “Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. When I was with the Jews, I lived like a Jew to bring the Jews to Christ. When I was with those who follow the Jewish law, I too lived under that law. Even though I am not subject to the law, I did this so I could bring to Christ those who are under the law. When I am with the Gentiles who do not follow the Jewish law, I too live apart from that law so I can bring them to Christ. But I do not ignore the law of God; I obey the law of Christ. When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.”
Paul became all things to all people groups. He did not try to walk in superiority or the attitude that his way or culture was better then theirs. He adapted to their ways without sinning. He did not use his freedoms in Christ to do what he wanted, but instead to become all things to all people in order that they may share Christ.
It is our job as missionaries to learn their culture and beliefs. Take the time to find out as much as you can about the specific people group, culture and primary religious beliefs of those to whom you will be ministering. Each culture has its own sense of what is acceptable and what is not; what is rude and what is not. For instance, in Thailand, it is not proper to touch a person of opposite sex in public even if you are married. Doing so would place the woman in the category of a prostitute and the man as someone who is associating with this type of person. Then in China it is not proper to look someone directly into the eyes for a length of time. Some eastern cultures believe if is an insult to touch their heads with your hands or point with your foot. So you see, it is our work to learn and put into practice their culture’s dos and don’ts, not to try to change them or make them feel inferior or even possibly insult them. It is their country and culture, not ours.
Respect and Adapt:
Hudson Taylor and the Apostle Paul respected and adapted to the new culture, choosing to become like one of the people they ministered to and adopted their dress, language and culture. They chose to become one of them in order to share Christ with them without sinning. Within every culture on the earth, there are things that are not pleasing to the the Lord and we need to stay sinless, keeping our testimony and lives in unity with the Word of God, without offending.
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