Thursday, September 9, 2010

Piura and Cuidad Noe, Peru Medical Mission Trip

This is your chance to make a difference in the lives of the Peruvian people!

Peru ranks amongst the world's amazing centers of historic civilization. They continue to fascinate travelers and archaeologists alike. Peru can be found in the west central section of South America and is particularly a nation of geographical and cultural contrast. Peru is the 19th largest nation on the planet and is bordered north by Ecuador, to the south by Chile and Bolivia, towards the east by Columbia and Brazil and also to the west with the Pacific Ocean. Peru is a unique country as a result of the climatic, natural and cultural difference of its regions, which consist of coast, sierra and jungle.

Peru is populated by over 23 million people, largely descendents of Spanish settlers as well as native Inca and pre-Inca civilizations. Currently there are three national languages: Spanish, and the native Quechua and Aymara, reflecting the native Indian and Spanish origins which cultivate modern Peruvian society.

The main purposes of this mission trip is medical missions and work on a local construction project. You will have many chances to evangelize among the local people and youth of the community.  Throughout your stay in Piura you will have the opportunity to be a blessing to many by the work project you will be completing or the medical missions outreach in Cuidad Noe (City of Noah). You will come in contact with many children at our hosts training school and church. You may also have the privilege of evangelizing in the nearby villages, bringing hope to the lost as well as being an encouragement for many others.  There will be countless opportunities for ministry and spiritual mentoring in your leisure times and social activities.

Go here for more information on this Peru Medical Missions Trip that is starting on Jan. 3rd of 2011 or to find out more about planning a Group Mission Trips go to Youth Quests International

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